The Law of Attraction always works, as all Laws naturally always do. A law is a description of how things work. They could be referred to as an observation of how the universe operates.
Whether these actual laws need to be refined, or we just need to increase our understanding of them, is a fine line. It says much the same thing. The laws, themselves, work at all times. It is our description and definition of how they work that is rewritten and improved from time to time.
This must happen as our understanding of these Laws increases. We expand on our knowledge somewhat paradoxically by applying and utilizing the very same laws. The Laws can be used correctly or incorrectly by us, but they always work correctly.
I will outline here in this introductory article the way that the Law of Attraction works when consciously used. The Law is, of course, working in one way or the other for us, at all times.
I will begin by asking some pertinent questions. If we can ask the right questions, we are always led to the right answers. Every question that can be asked always has an answer waiting for us only just around the corner of our inquiry. So here goes:
Where does Wanting My Life to be Different Fit into My Life?
I want more money, fulfillment, and wisdom to handle whatever comes up. Is there anything wrong with wanting anything? What is the truth of the Law of Attraction which is saying that it is the secret to getting our wants, by applying it to our lives?
Is this Law really that powerful? Is any law that powerful? How does individual want fit in God’s master plan for all of us?
Love to me never wants anything for itself. It always brings about more of a warm connection of our feeling loved. Love brings us to happiness by removing all of our wants. Thus, it allows us to experience contented bliss right now, but only when love is being fully embraced.
Where does the Truth Lie We now Ask Ourselves?
The secret and the Law of Attraction is often seen to be about wanting what you think you haven’t got right now.
The hidden truth can only be seen when we can establish what it is in us that needs to be fulfilled. Our soul never needs anything. It is always complete within itself. It is perfect as it is, and wants nothing more.
Our soul grows from perfection, and not from any perceived lack. Thinking that something is missing or lacking in our lives is because of our wanting things to be different.
All spiritual growth must proceed from who we are right now. This involves complete acceptance of who we are right now, without wanting anything else to be different at all.
Our soul goes out and creates with what is currently available to it. It knows that all is already available at all times and that everything will come to it. As it becomes active begins to create its own experiences within love, so too will things come to the soul. We must always remember, that all is love. There is only the great oneness of love or God that exists. We are but a part of this oneness.
There is a very fine line being drawn here, because we are essentially talking about one and the same thing.
Difference Between Soul and Ego
The difference is that our soul never wants. The soul creates spontaneously whatever it requires for its experiences with and for love. Our soul goes out and serves by establishing its connection to others. Then, from experiencing love traveling along this connection, our soul experiences the way that love connects and expands it.
The oneness increases in its wisdom from the parts passing back the acquired new wisdom obtained from their experiences with love. The unconsciousness of oneness becomes conscious of itself in this way.
The soul doesn’t want material things or to obtain instant gratification for those wants.
Wanting is an artificial construct coming from our ego. It thinks that it can get this connection to love just like our soul has if it can get what it wants. Our ego thinks that it hasn’t got these things right now. Because of that, it tries to use the correct Law of Attraction to get what it thinks that you want in your life for you.
The ego uses the great law incorrectly as it tries to attract material goods towards itself.
The ego’s way only works in the beginning, or it seems to at first. It seems to work because the ego actively searches it’s wants out. This searching allows an opening in the fabric of the material to supply a want as it travels across the path created.
Where Troubles Come
The problem is that all connections to love are then blocked, even as these tentacles of searching go out from the ego. Like an octopus’s arms, it creeps and crawls around the universe trying to find what they want.
These wants are powerful in that they will then disrupt the connective paths of love existing within you even further. The necessary rocks on our path to love are replaced with stepping stones of fear. Fear takes root quickly within us and escalates into greater fears.
Once you are living from these inner and outer fears and as they become established within you, your loving connection to other people is also affected. Most people are generally afraid of people with great wants.
The power of these wants that are coming from you start to hit other people with their tentacles. So, your wants can also interfere with other people’s lives. Love is almost always lost in any situation where the Law of Attraction is only used to connect you forcefully to your material and physical wants.
All of Our Lower Bodies Want in This Way. It’s not just Our Ego that Wants.
Our ego tends to control our lower bodies and recruit them to meet its own wants. This action tends to place our soul in the backseat rather than driving our car where it should be. One of our lower bodies will take over as the driver.
If it is our physical body, for example, we might become fanatically obsessed with our body. We would want it to be different from what it is or how it looks. We might spend all of our time trying to change or enhance it in some way.
That isn’t all bad though. The key here is always balance. When any other lower body is driving our vehicle through life rather than our soul, we will almost always become unbalanced. Our thoughts will become distorted as our physical wants start to drive them in the direction of their own wants.
The soul can connect to all of our other bodies, even our ego. It never wants a connection to take place. Our soul only ever achieves its aims by further extending and enhancing its invitation of love to us.
It’s like the Old Story from Aesop about a Contest Between the Sun and the Wind.
Apparently, they had a wager between them to see who could make a certain man remove his heavy overcoat. The wind blew and blew again, using all of its power on the man. But the man, of course, just pulled his coat even tighter around himself. He stayed exactly as he was.
Then it was time for the sun to have its turn. The sun shone past the clouds which then moved aside for it. The man started to sweat as he felt the increased warmth from the sun (or from his soul) on him. So he then removed his own coat (or his ego) and allowed himself to be influenced by his own soul.
The wind represents our ego’s connection to its environment. It shows the ego’s want to manipulate the environment because it doesn’t particularly like it. It wants to change it by hanging onto itself even more strongly. \
The ego is represented in this story by the coat. Our ego thinks that it is all there is of us. The ego fools us into thinking that it is there to protect us. No protection is even needed as we always have the warm loving connection to our soul.
The coat also represents our wants. When somebody tries to prevent us from fulfilling these wants, we often become stubborn, and resist even more.
Our Ego is Inflexible; Love is Always Flexible.
Love’s ways are flexible. In the end, all ways are love’s ways. You still want your own way because of your ego. Nothing matters in the end, because all that matters is in the now. The means to the end are not as important as the end.
The journey is not as important as most people make it out to be. Any old journey will do when you realize that time is not ever a real consideration here.
Any path and all possible journeys all lead you to yourself, and so help you to grow in love. You cannot ever make a wrong move, or take a step onto a wrong path. Every path is self-correcting. It always leads you in the best possible ways to grow to be yourself within God.
God is the one holding the wager, but he never gambles as such. He really just allows the freedom of the ego and our lower bodies to do what they will. This happens until the rewards of the ego’s false action are finally seen to be non existent for us.
The real benefits are still being held by God until they can be passed on to us. As we begin to embrace more our own soul, and so return to God as his son, as the story of the prodigal son tells us.
The Prodigal Son is a Great Allegory for How Our Lives Play Out for Us.
The son goes off and lives according to his ego until he realizes that this doesn’t work. He then returns to his father, (his own soul connection) and is embraced and welcomed home. The whole world of his soul creates a feast for him. Even God Himself smiles at another soul returning from the wilderness of ego control.
All of them are necessary and all steps are meaningful on the path of life. The next step can only be seen when we’ve taken the step before it. It is our ego that is responsible for getting us far enough along the path to where we can see the next step. We then see that the next step involves a return to our roots and a re-connection to our soul.
It is then that our ego has served its beginning role. It can now walk with our soul the rest of the way, instead of by itself. Our soul remains still, waiting for the ego to recognize and acknowledge it.
This is the story of all of our lives as outlined by Jesus in his parable of the Prodigal Son. A beautiful story which is well-worth rereading. The main point here is that the Son of God’s love is the only real attraction factor. The soul will attract us back to it once again, like a bee always returns to its hive.
The Law of Attraction has Risen to a Prominent Position Because of Love.
As love moves around throughout creation, it hits upon new ways to get its message through. The law of attraction is an old way made new. It is no more than a restatement of the older law of what you are, so you become. What you sow, so you will reap.
We attract our true path to us, just as much as we love ourselves being on it already. Love is magnetic. We never attract exactly what we want. We attract only from who we really are and exactly what is needed by us to take the next step to who we can become.
Why is There a Time Delay with the Working of some Laws, like the Law of Attraction and the Law of Karma?
This apparent time distortion is not happening in reality. It is more the slowness of your current level of consciousness.
The law of attraction brings you exactly what you need, not what you want. This is why there sometimes seems to be a time delay in its fulfillment. You need to grow into a higher level of consciousness first. Once done, you can more fully appreciate the true gifts this law brings for you. It brings them directly from love working within your soul and God together.
Love in our heart attracts everything to us to the level of love that we consciously accept and understand in our mind. The thoughts in our mind produce for us what they are giving out. That is exactly what we need right now. It helps us to grow more in the wisdom, and in the understanding of love.
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