Everyone wants to live a successful life. Not everyone will achieve their goal. To be productive, one must work with people who have the skills you wish to learn. You must be able to walk with others.
You won’t understand everything people do. Still, you must respect their choices. The law of attraction teaches us how to define successful living on our own terms. Interacting with others gives you the opportunity to decide for yourself. Success means something different for each of us.
My parents taught us how to walk with others and commit to growth. When I moved to North Carolina, I had the opportunity to meet Dorothy J. Cutler. She brought a lot of significance to my life. She started out giving me simple assignments. At times, I wasn’t sure that I could commit to serving a person with so much diversity.
One night, I attended a class she taught. The lesson was Principles of Living #2. In the discussion, she described the Five Stages of Biblical Planning.
After hearing this lesson, I began to apply it to every area of my life. These stages became my principals for successful living:
- Purpose
- Goals
- Visions
- Plans
- Works
Purpose is for everyone to develop their gifts. Dorothy explained this with Proverbs 19:21. Many plans are in a person’s mind. Only the purpose God has given you will stand.
The next Biblical stage was to set attainable goals. These goals fulfill your God-given purpose.
Third was vision. A vision is a direction given to an individual; a revelation.
Planning involves writing down the vision for my life. The vision includes:
- God;
- Church;
- Friends;
- Children; and
- Anything else you love
The final stage, works, involves striving eagerly to achieve your goals. A person has to be ambitious.
God will always send someone to walk with you. Someone to bring the change in your life that He desires.
Dorothy J. Cutler has made an everlasting impression in my life. Now I don’t complain about things as much as I did at one time in my life. I understand that some things are in my power and others are not. Nothing is beyond God’s power.
Check out these 15 minutes manifestation reviews to learn more on law of attraction.
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