One of the most beautiful things about the universe is that it’s all interconnected. It is as much a part of us as we are of it. In the words of Bill Nye, “We are, you and I, at least one of the ways that the universe knows itself.” But what does that mean for us? How is the universe connected?
We can actually have a conversation with the universe, especially if we are well-versed in manifesting our desires. This conversation involves the universe showing us signs of its alignment with our desires. These signs are what make up the conversation.
This may seem awfully complicated. New Thought teacher, Sarah Prout, highlights five ways that one can start a conversation with the universe. They’re actually not as difficult as one may think.
Here are the five methods for initiating a conversation with the universe:
1. Remember that energy–however you interpret it–is within you.
Whether you believe in God, spiritual energy, or even just the power of the universe itself, we must remember that this energy is also inside of us. The force that created and maintains the cosmos also did the same for us. Therefore, we have some of that energy within us. This is not to say that we can fly around shooting lasers out of our eyes. We can use this knowledge as a form of connection with a higher power, or even the universe itself.
Remember that you are one with the rest of the universe. That will make you more comfortable with the events happening in your life. It will also help you feel a much stronger connection with its omnipresence.
2. Meditation is often extremely helpful.
By clearing your mind of stress and chaos, you take your first steps towards connecting to the higher power that you’re seeking conversation with. A lot of times, the world can clutter our thoughts and keep us from peace. That’s the last thing we want. This solace can be achieved in whatever way coincides with your personal beliefs. From prayer to guided meditation or just taking the time to breathe in the moment. Either way, it is efficient and it is powerful.
In the end, meditation is a vital step to connecting with the universe and hearing what it has to say. All it takes is quieting the rest of the world first.
3. Allow yourself to deeply feel and embrace gratitude.
Whatever higher power we believe in, it gives us so much to appreciate. It gives you your material belongings, the people in your life, and everything else. There is so much beauty in the world and so much to be grateful for. Gratitude increases our value and appreciation for the universe. It strengthens our connection with it and becomes even more prominent in our lives.
By holding this gratitude in your heart, you are welcoming more blessings from the universe. And even if those blessings are small, you’ll be able to appreciate them at an entirely new degree.
4. Ask the universe itself for signs of communication.
Dreams, signs, and other messages are often great reassurances that you’re connecting with a higher force. You can do so through prayer, thought, or even a written request. Asking for a sign is a way to put your trust in the almighty energy that’s guiding you. This way, you can allow it to take control, and help you see what path you should take next.
This message, once again, can come from God, spiritual energy, or even the universe itself. Don’t worry if it takes some time to appear. What’s important is that you’re starting a conversation. In time, you’re bound to get a response.
5. Be kind and helpful towards others.
One of the best ways to connect with the universe is by demonstrating what is good in it. By being of service to others, you can help both yourself and others to feel the true beauty and love in the world around you.
This kind of selfless behavior will help you break into a conversation with the universe. You’ll truly begin to see and connect with the positive wonders of it. Besides, it’s always lovely to just be a good person.
Of course, there are more ways beyond these five to start a conversation with the universe. These are all great places to start. These methods can be used separately or in tandem. Either way, they can all be extremely helpful for anyone looking to truly connect to the universe. The personal connection will be different for everyone. Don’t be afraid to try new things that feel more comfortable to you.
Everyone deserves to have a deep conversation and connection with something bigger. From there, the possibilities are limitless. If you are interested to learn more, click here for more information.
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