One of the most well known authorities on healing of the mind and body is Deepak Chopra, M.D. Dr. Chopra served as chief of staff at Boston Regional Medical Center, before cofounding the Chopra Center for Well Being. The author of numerous books on health and wellness, Dr. Chopra shows his mastery of the field of health management with his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Chopra presents his seven points, asserting that these laws are the same that nature uses to create everything that we can feel with our senses.
1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
Every human, each one of us, is made up of energy; we are all part of nature; made of unbound consciousness; capable of being anything. We are pure potential. This energy surrounds us, it penetrates us, and it binds our universe together. Sound familiar? If so, then the force will be with you, always. This law forms the foundation of the other laws.
2. The Law Of Giving
The law of giving is really, according to Dr. Chopra, about giving and receiving. The idea here is that the pure energy inherent to the world must be kept flowing, so as not to become stagnant. While that is not to say that you have to give your brother the shirt off your back, just passing along flu germs is not enough either. Just be sure you always have something to give – a helping hand, a happy smile, a shoulder to cry on.
3. The Law Of Karma
Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. When you are positive, sending good vibrations into space, then positive energy comes right back to you. Think of it as a boomerang: If you are an honest, happy person, and treat people with respect, you throw honesty, happiness, and respect out into the world, and those feelings will be returned to you. Send out negativity, and the boomerang might hit you in the head on its way back.
4. The Law Of Least Effort
Always choose the path of least resistance, when you can do so in a positive way. If you are in the grocery store line, and every line you choose seems to be the longest, it takes more energy to repeatedly change lines, to grumble about the delay, and to be unhappy, than to simply wait patiently. Now, this does not mean you should sit in your recliner all day, watching Jerry Springer and scarfing down Pringles. Rather, it is about knowing that through letting life happen without complaint and negativity requires the least effort.
5. The Law Of Intention And Desire
If your energy consists of good intentions, along with a need for something, then you send that energy out to the universe, and the universe will answer. This is similar to The Law of Attraction, which is espoused in the popular text The Secret. Know that this does not mean that the universe is your catalog, and that if you simply sit there looking at a photograph of a new Lamborghini, it will magically appear in your driveway.
6. The Law Of Detachment
We are energy, and that energy should be made of good intentions. But to focus too strongly on any one desire actually becomes negative. For example, if you wish too hard for an “A” on your chemistry exam, you may end up worrying that you won’t do well, and fearing failure. These negative emotions can impact your performance, and you will fail. You can wish for something, without being ruled by it. Of course, if you spend all your time obsessing over the girl at the corner market, even following her home from work, you probably need more than to detach, you need to seek help. Now.
7. The Law Of Dharma
This law of the purpose in life means that we are all here for a purpose. We must each discover our own sense of self, and our place in the world. We must then use our special talent to help others, and make the world a better place. This might mean being a doctor, a missionary, even a shoe salesman. Of course, if you think your purpose in life is to look better than anyone else in a bathing suit, you may want to rediscover yourself.
These laws are guidelines to live by. If you focus your energy on being positive, visualizing what you want out of life, working towards it in positive ways, that add to the world – if you regularly apply these 7 laws to your life – then you can achieve all that is important to you. Visualize yourself happy, in love, and wealthy. Of course, just visualizing yourself with the body of a god or goddess isn’t going to take those love handles away, but if you employ these strategies, you can make steady progress on developing the body that you want to have, and the life you want to live.
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