The law of attraction is the ability to attract to our lives the things that we are focusing on. This new philosophy states that you will attract the type of energy you are putting into the Universe. Your thought is a form of energy. Positive thoughts are positive energy while negative thoughts are negative energy. So you will eventually experience what you use your thought energy to create both consciously and subconsciously.
This powerful law can be summed up in a single sentence: “What you keep thinking about, eventually comes about”. So to make any thing: wealth, good relationships, and success in your career or business, a reality, you need to first create it consciously with your thoughts. Then transform it into a dominant vision before you take action on it, and turn your thoughts into a reality.
This means that when you keep thinking about negative events, situations or people, they will manifest in your life. On the other hand, if you switch your focus to positive aspects of life and think more about the good of things of life, you will begin to see more of them appear.
The law of attraction has been come increasingly popular with the release of the movie and book titled “The Secret”. Both of them enlightened people about the hidden truths behind this law. But this has also led to many people asking how they could consistently use this law to get they want in life.
You don’t have to be confused about this great concept, you only need to know the vital signs that indicate whether you are putting the law to work correctly or not.
Here are 7 signs that show that the law of attraction is working for you.
1. You Begin to Manifest Things at a Rapid Rate
When you start to focus your mind on things you actually want to manifest in your home, work, finances and relationships, those things will begin to show up. First you have to develop the ability to switch off the negative voice in your brain that talks about the news in the media and everything going wrong. Then shift your attention to things that are working in your favor. This is one of the vital components of the law of attraction. As you constantly focus your attention on what you want to see in your life, you will see them manifest faster. Things will start to work the way you want. As long as you maintain an attitude of gratitude for the things you now have, you will put out more positive energy and cause the universe to send you more that you will be grateful for.
2. You Are Ready to Embrace Change
Whatever you decide to resist will eventually persist. Any time you refuse to confront a particular situation or person, you will usually have more of it until you decide to face your fears or approach the challenge. In order to attain our full potential on earth, we need to leave our comfort zones and drop old thought patterns and mental habits. If the law of attraction is working in your life, you have discovered how to flow along with the seasons and events of life. You embrace change with ease and you don’t allow the uncertainties of the future to stop you from pursuing your goals. Due to this type of thought pattern and the positive energy you are releasing, the universe delivers what you need to keep learning, advancing and succeeding in life.
3. You Focus More on the Present
Our education and many aspects of our early development in life gives us the impression that we should constantly focus on the future and that our present is not very important. But there is a need to maximize the value of the present to see a better future. So if you have seen your life progressing along the path you desire, you have most likely learned to pay close attention to what you are doing and how to put your knowledge and experiences to work. This is a great way to avoid worrying about the uncertainties of the future. Redirecting your attention to the present will help you to stop releasing negative thoughts that can actually cause bad things to manifest in the future.
4. You Are Not Scared to Tell the Universe What You Want
It does not matter whether you have confidence in invisible guides, infinite intelligence, angels or your higher self, you have become acquainted with telling the universe what you desire and pursuing its fulfillment. If you are not happy with a situation in your life, you now ask for guidance to know how to change it. You are now more spiritual and you connect with higher powers to obtain help that is beyond normal reasoning. As you go deeper in your spirituality or you talk with your angels, your unique path to greatness will become more obvious to you.
5. You Have More Positive Energy
If you used to feel heavy and depressed, you are now energized and less prone to worry and anxiety. The issues that used to bother you don’t seem important now. You are constantly rejoicing, full of gratitude, and you approach each day with excitement believing that the universe will deliver what you have been expecting. You feel secure about your future and you refuse to allow negative thoughts to reign in your life.
6. You Are At Peace With Yourself and Your Environment
No matter what may be happening in your immediate surroundings.
- are calm and grateful for where you are in life.
- don’t allow the things you cannot control to dominate your thoughts.
- are at ease and it shows in your response to situations around you.
- have inner peace and are confident that the universe will turn things around for your good.
- never feel that you are inadequate or missing out
- are in tune with yourself and the universe.
- can confidently say that life is good to you.
7. Good Things Are Constantly Taking Place in Your Life
Definitely, when you connect with your higher self and you are sure of what you are on earth to do, you start succeeding effortlessly. You start to see the people that will enhance your success and you get to places that will help you to grow spiritually. You are now taking steps to live a healthier life and you are coming out of debt into financial abundance. Although you still encounter some obstacles on the way, you begin to notice that the good you experience is far greater than any negative occurrences.
Those are some of the main signs that help you to know that the law of attraction has started to produce the desired results in your life. If some of these signs have not become evident in your life, review the principles of this law and start applying them more diligently. Also, you should check out this program that talks about the success codes that will help reprogram the mind in order to achieve your dreams and goals.
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